Saturday, August 31, 2013

Herald of Obliteration: Nightmare Edition

Heralding in the the new edition is a new master. Making her a Nightmare Edition for Gen Con 2013 is a very good move. This box of pretties cost 80 USD. I only hope when the normal edition comes out, the models will not be as awesome.

Tara is the proxy for the tyrant Obliteration in Malifaux. Among her crew are few models of Nothing. The huge The Nothing Beast and babies Void Wretch. This bring the first unique challenge I faced. How to render nothing. The first thing that came to my mind is to paint is black and highlight to light grey. Then wash it down with black. This will possibly make the model very boring though. In the end, I decided to do something adventurous and try out colors I've never done before.

The Nothing Beast
I used a deep purple and highlight it up to green. The tones are still muted. Adding a counterpoint to the colors, I used orange-red for the tentacles. The Nothing Beast turned out quite nicely.

Void Wretch
I tried the same colors to tie them together with The Nothing Beast. The areas are too small and the models turned out to be over-highlighted by light purple. I had to wash them down with black. Therefore their colors are darker. On hindsight, washing them down with a purple wash would have been better.

Tara was done on a weekday evening. Most of her was done using the standard method I used for leather. Her right hand has the same same color scheme as The Nothing Beast. Her sword was painted in green. I wanted to make it soulstone like since it is a soulstone sword but the effects did not turn out very crystal like. A skill I need to improve greatly on.

Getting seriously lazy here. Wanted to give her dress a purple tint and highlight up to white. Tried a couple of times and did not get what I like. In the end, here dress is done purely by washing purple and black over Spacewolf Gray. Not sure if her lighter purple tie her into the crew. But hey, the crew is done in a week. Definitely a record for me.

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