Saturday, August 31, 2013

Lady Justice & Her Crew

This is the very first sculpt of Lady Justice box set. They are very nice models to work with. Among the nicest miniatures in the first wave of Malifaux models. I like the livid orange I used for her hair. The leather and denim make very good contrasting tones to her hair.

The Judge is quite interesting too. I painted him white and red with yellow hair to make him stand out from the browns of the rest of the Death Marshals. Overall the Death Marshals are in muted tones that somehow my painting tend to gravitate towards. The little bit of green does make one of the model stand out.

There is a lot of flesh on The Executioner and I sucked at painting flesh. I tried to give him some belly hair and speckled him with blood. Turned out okay I guess.

Since then, two more metal sculpts were done for Lady Justice. The Alternate Sculpt which was quite nice too. And the relatively horrible Gen Con 2011 exclusive Dead Justice box. I have not even open the shrink wrap for that.

In Malifaux 2E, the new plastic sculpts for this crew is so awesome that I am very tempted to get it. Need to get rid of my old crew first.

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