Saturday, August 31, 2013

Malifaux 2E

Malifaux 2E is very promising after playing one game and giving a full length demo. Read a lot of rant about the rule changes by Malifaux Classic players but so far I like all the changes I've seen.

Firstly, the cards have been resized and the rules streamlined.

Abilities of the models are passive (and always on) and placed at the front. All the actions requiring AP are listed on the back of the card. Actions are further broken down into two types. Regardless of whether it is a spell or attack, as long as the duel is opposed by targeted model, it is considered an Attack Action. Tactical Actions are simple duels requiring the acting model to meet a certain TN. This classification makes it simple to determine if something is considered an attack. 

Triggers for abilities are also build into the listing of the action making it easy to see what triggers are available for that particular action. 

Of course with lesser space, there are lesser actions cramped into one card. Masters and more "unique" models tend to have a wall of text in the past. To increase the number of abilities a model can have, those with certain station (Master, Henchman and Enforcer) can buy upgrades. Upgrade costs soulstones and allows certain amount of customization for models. Some upgrades are faction wide, some have restriction for certain models only.

The use of soulstone has also been nerfed. 
(1) It cannot be used to do a healing flip anymore.
(2) When used to enhance duel, it only give a +1 Positive Flip or to add a particular suit. This prevent a overpowering attack or defence with 2 cards vs 1 card.

The number of strategies and schemes for competitive play has also been reduced. Players share the same strategy that can be scored for VP every turn up to 4 VP per player. Five schemes are generated using two fate cards. Of which each player chooses two to use. We will no longer see auto-include schemes (think Bodyguard, Stake a Claim) this way. Non-revealed schemes can score up to 2VP and revealed ones 3VP. The smaller disparity encourages hidden schemes. Also most schemes use scheme markers now, which are placed using an (1)Interact action.

Hopefully with more games and when the rest of the models are updated to M2E, it will still remain as fun.

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